About me:
I'm a husband and father and I live in Brighton & Hove on the south coast. Now in my 50's, I've worked as a personal trainer and coach based in London for over 30 years.
During that time I’ve tried to keep myself in good shape, but, like many people my age, I’ve found it’s not as easy as it was when I was in my 20’s and 30’s. I don’t have as much time, my priorities have changed over the years, and frankly so has my body - I have to deal with old injuries, aches and pains that just were not an issue 10 or 20 years ago.
But I know ,now I’m older, it is even more important for me to work on my fitness and strength - it helps me feel well emotionally, I feel I look better physically, I have less pain and I sleep better.
I’ve been able to use the knowledge and the experience that I’ve gained over the last 30 years to help myself and my clients stay in shape without hours and hours in the gym, stay motivated and still eat foods they enjoy. It's not complicated, nor does it involve drastically changing your life in one fell swoop. Most people know the basics – move a bit more, eat a bit less…… simple in principle, and sounds easy to do. But the reality can be a little different - life gets in way, old habits get in the way, our somewhat ageing bodies get in the way.
Knowing what to do, what to focus on, and how to fit it into your lifestyle - with consistency - is the real challenge, an that is why I created the THRIVE Over 50 Program.
: 35 Denmark Villas, Hove
: (44) 07976 268570
: www.overfortyfitness.co.uk
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